Monday, January 25, 2010

points. points. points.

I didn't do good this weekend.
Sometimes I tried, sometimes I didn't.

BUT, I've been busting ass hard core today!
And I'm starving, if that proves my point.

I tried plain oatmeal this morning.
Not gonna cut it.
I added some cinnamon & sugar to it and still couldn't force it down.

Good thing I had a backup plan.
Whole wheat mini bagel with WW cream cheese.
3 points. That made me happy!
I wasn't sure that lil thing of cream cheese was gonna cut it but it turned out to be perfect for the mini bagel!

For lunch I'm gonna have a bagel with tuna and WW cheese.
Hope it's good. I've got to start eating that a few times a week.

Dinner is what's gonna be entertaining.
Wednesday & Thursdays are the only nights Kevin will be home so I've got to figure out something for myself for dinner. I bought some fish, hopefully I can figure out a good way to season it up. I also bought lots of green beans. Wonder how fast I'll get sick of them?

Fruit is expensive right now.
I ended up buying a bag of frozen berries.
I don't know how they're gonna go over just yet...

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