Monday, April 12, 2010

3 days in

Got phentermine Friday.
It's not Adipex, it's the generic.
But, it only cost me $5 for a month supply.
If it works, that's awesome!

It's made me feel funny, but not bad.
I'm hoping I will get used to it and that will go away.

I also go my lipo shot.
She did it nice and slow so it didn't burn too bad.

Best part is, I almost chickened out.
But they were out of the lipo pills so I had no other choice.

Hubbs still hasn't hid the scale.
So, of course, I got on it this morning.
It said 180! I almost died. Right there.
That's a 2 lb loss since Friday.
He's supposed to hide it today though because I don't want to weigh for 2 weeks. Yes, I changed from the original 4...

I am sooo scared of losing it too fast and getting flabby.
I'm going to bust my ass this week doing strength training.

1 comment:

Yani said...

$5 for phetermine WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? the less i have pay is $25 thats good girl thats the only pill that make me lose weight!!! good luck i wish i could find it here :0( but ooh well online cost me $67 plus shipping is 87 urgh i know what a pain!! but im happy u getting there good luck!!!