Sunday, May 9, 2010

Uh oh...

Guess what?
I haven't worked out in over a week...
Bad, I know. UGH

And it really makes no sense.
I went to fat doc and found out I lost 2 lbs then didn't work out. DUH

***You might not want to read this part***
I've been having stomach issues.
Couldn't decide if it was my kidney stones or my cycle.
Finally, I realized I was constipated. WONDERFUL.
I drank Benefiber and lots of water. Nothing helped
So, I drank some magnesium citrate this morning and it finally started to move.
It's amazing how I feel so much better.
It had been so long I didn't know what I had been feeling like!
That is ridiculous!

So, I am sitting here procrastinating my workout.
It shouldn't even be a thought.
I can already hear my Nanny nagging me when I see her in 9 days. ugh

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