Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I've been disgusted with myself the last few days.
Partly because I'm sick and partly because I'm a slacker.

The only thing I've been doing good on is no soda or tea.
I have had coffee a few times, but it was never a lot.
Today is day 87...
I have a feeling I'm gonna be back on the sweet tea wagon soon. But I won't do sodas anymore. Let me rephraise that, I won't do dark sodas. Sometimes I just need a Sprite.

I have an appt with the urologist in 2 weeks. They've still been hurting me. If he tells me those suckers have grown I'm gonna go postal. He told me stop all the things I have and if it didn't work then he's gonna have to figure out what else is wrong!

I haven't been doing my Weight Watchers.
And I certainly haven't been getting on the scale.

I can't seem to find any motivation.

I was doing good with the treadmill last week until it started acting stupid and I did the elliptical and that just hurts my knees and hips way too bad.

I'm gonna try super hard to start fresh Monday,
wish me luck!

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