Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just my luck...

I've been dealing with foot pain since the 30th.
Finally decided to go to the doctor today...

I've sprained it nice and good (though I have no idea how). It was even nice enough to swell up a little for him when I got there.

Basically, since I've been working out through the pain and not letting it heal it's not gotten better. Obviously.

He gave me some high mg ibuprofen to take 3 times a day for 2 weeks. And said to stay off of it as much as possible.

Well, that's just what I wanted to hear since I can lose weight sitting on my ass! UGH

Looks like I'm gonna have buff arms and abs by the time I can do cardio cause that's all I'm gonna be able to do! I'm hoping and praying that maybe it'll heal up quickly!

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Anonymous said...

fingers crossed at least it wasn't more serious

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Yes, we must rest when we are injured. But I've actually had a few losses while sitting on my butt at doctor's orders. It just takes healthy eating. :-)

Jennifer said...

I feel for you. My problem is my upper half. Hope it heals fast!

Donna Jo said...

That's such a bummer! Glad it wasn't anything more! Just eat smart and try not to snack too much..and if you do choose healthy snacks.. You'll be fine...hey, at least you'll have hot arms and abs :P