Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Plans / Goals

I need lists in my life.
Ideas in my head do not work for me.

Workout Plan:
- cardio 5x a week (mon-sun)
- strength training 2x a week
- ab workout on lunch breaks & after cardio
- lunges before bed

Eating Plan:
- 3 meals. no more skipping dinner!
- water ONLY
- take pic of meals (will post on twitter)

Every Monday I will post a weekly recap.

1 comment:

Yani said...

im working with a trainer and she had me doing 45 minutes cardio in the morning go slow but incline the most u can 25 minutes in the evening before weights n 45 minutes after weights but if u dont do weights just do this n it will be great 10lb in 1 week and eating everything green the more green vegetables the better green apple just white cheese brown rices chicken tuna fish thats it try it at last the work out n u will see ;0)