Monday, August 31, 2009

jiggle jiggle

I am officially seeing the weightloss.
My fat pants are falling off today.
My bra doesn't fit right.
And my stomach is jiggly.

Yes, I realize most people would think "ew jiggle." BUT, my stomach was like a pregnant ball, nice and firm. I'm thinking jiggle is good at this point. Like my fat is breaking up and moving on. I obviously have to kick the ab workouts up a notch...

I cannot use the treadmill yet. From being stored for roughly 2 years it needs some lube to make the belt stop sticking (so I don't faceplant). Anyone know where to get that? I figure I'll be spending a crapload just to order it online. UGH

AND, I'm not gonna post my food/points on here every day. It's getting a little mundane. I'll probably just catch everything up on Fridays when I weigh in.

I'm Still Here

It's been a few days...

I didn't keep track of anything while my parents were here. Bad idea, I know. But, I know I didn't do bad. I still watched my portions and my selections. I was super proud of myself and my Mom couldn't believe her eyes.

The only struggles I had was their Coke addiction.
Seeing all those Cokes in the fridge was ROUGH.
But I somehow survived!

My goal is to have lost 2 lbs by Friday.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I did it!

I decided to weigh in this morning since my parents will be in town this afternoon through Sunday.

And it said 172.0!
(Not 172.3 or 172.8)

Which means I've lost 5 pounds!
I was pretty skeptical but now I'm just proud!

My next goal is to lose 2 pounds by next Friday, the 4th.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

23 points yesterday

My foot is feeling much better. But I've decided not to work out, again. Since it is feeling better I'm gonna let it rest the rest of this week and start fresh next week.

I'm pretty sure I won't have lost the 5 pounds I wanted to by Saturday morning but I'm still trying to stay positive...

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
Smartones - 5pts
string cheese - 1pt
Quarter Pounder - 9pts
Salad - 1 pt
2 Michelob Ultra - 4 pts

Beer is only 2 points? Heck yes!
I don't drink that often but I had a hellacious day and needed to relax. haha

Monday, August 24, 2009

bad bad bad

I didn't do any counting this weekend.

This is my first cycle without caffeine and I'm struggling hard core. But let me just say that only drinking water has major benefits. I have not been bloated ONCE!

I was still conscience of what I ate, just didn't keep track. Like, we ate out twice but I had chicken instead of burgers and no fries.

Weighing in on Saturday morning... uh oh

Friday, August 21, 2009


Had a cupcake yesterday. It sent me over!

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
Smartone - 6pts
Apples w/caramel - 1pt
Cupcake - 6pts
Whopper Jr. - 9pts

total: 25 points

Weigh in day is 8 days away...
Super nervous!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

sour cream

I've come to realize that sour cream is hardest thing for me to measure out. Whew, I struggled last night. But, I did it and even the hubbs gave me props.

What's the hardest thing for you?

Right on target yesterday
24 points:

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
banana - 2pts
Smartones - 4pts
tomato - 0pts
string cheese - 1pt
WW cake - 1pt
2 servings Taco Soup - 8pts
2 tbsp sour cream - 2pts
1/4 cup cheese - 3pts

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

24 points

For going to a buffet for lunch yesterday, I'd say I did pretty good. Somehow I managed to get nothing fried and hardly any meat. I had 2 bites of baked chicken then decided it was gross. Anyway...

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
WW snack cake - 1pt
tomato - 0pts
green beans - 0pt
yams - 2pts
potatoes - 3pts
salad w/ranch - 5pts
Whopper Jr. - 9pts
string cheese - 1pt

I didn't do any exercise yesterday. I'm totally slacking in that area but my foot pain has now radiated up my shin. Yes, I know I could still do abs, arms and chest but I'm just so discouraged right now.

The nurse from my urologist's office finally called me back. Said it was ok to take Alli. But while I was waiting a week for her to return my call I did some research and got peoples opinions. Long story short, I'm not gonna take it. It's a risk I just don't want to take. So, I wasted $40 but when I think about not wanting to have kidney stones surgically removed it makes me feel better about it. haha

My weigh in day is less than 2 weeks away and I'm getting really nervous. I'm gonna be icing and heating my foot all day. I've googled every possible remedy and am gonna try it all!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

22 points for yesterday

I did much better yesterday than I did over the weekend. Which is good considering I didn't really do that bad over the weekend... haha

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1 WW candy - 1pt
Lean Cuisine - 6pts
veggie salad - 1pt
steak - 5pts
1/2 cup noodles - 4pts
salad - 2pts

My exercise yesterday was walking our two (horses) dogs. Last time we weighed Bubba he had reached 125 and Leutian was about 90. So, I got a workout. They did NOT let me walk slow. It was quite entertaining.

But, it was not a smart idea. I laid on the couch with my foot iced the rest of the night and even wore and ice pack to bed. Yes, it hurt that bad. BUT, it's not hurting too bad this morning so maybe I've just learned how to baby it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

tough weekend

I didn't do too good this weekend.
I didn't exactly eat bad, I just didn't keep up w/my points.

I'm not taking the Alli anymore.
Pretty sure that's what caused my kidney stones last year.

Today is day 22 of no soda/tea.
Officially 3 weeks. I'm super proud of myself.

I am back on track today.
Less than 2 weeks until I weigh in.
I'm getting nervous...

But hey, I did get a treadmill this weekend! woo hoo!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I wouldn't exactly call it a slip up but I had dinner at a friend's house last night so there's no telling how many points I had. It was all veggies except the hamburger steak so I'm thinking I didn't do too terribly bad...

11 points before dinner

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1/2 cup raspberries - 0pts
Smartone - 6pts
2 WW snack cakes - 2pts

I'm determined to do super good this weekend.
Hopefully even buy a treadmill.

Also, I've decided once again to just suck up the pain in my foot but continue taking the ibuprofen. Starting Monday, I will be working out again whether my foot still hurts or not. I cannot do this anymore, it's too discouraging.

Got my first Weight Watchers cookbook in the mail yesterday from eBay. It's super old. Like, so old it doesn't have Points values! Oopsie! So, I'm just gonna hang on to it until I can get a system down and be able to eat right without counting points as psychotically.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 18

I was never able to get a call back from my urologist so I'll be taking the Alli until I do!

22 points yesterday

2 packs oatmeal - 6pts
string cheese - 1pt
Smartones - 5pts
carrots w/ranch - 1pt
2 WW snack cakes - 2pt
Mexican Chili - 4pts
salad - 1pt
Babybel cheese - 2pts

I soon as I eat the cheese I've stocked up on for snacks I'm not buying anymore. Taking Alli, I need to save all the fat grams I can. haha

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, after the bad news yesterday I had to make some new decisions.

So, I had chinese food for dinner and then went to Wal-Mart to buy Alli. haha

I've tried it before and it worked wonders. But I slipped up too much. Since I've been doing really good with WW I think I can do it better this time.

Bad thing is, I got home and read all the stuff to find out I'm supposed to ask my doctor since I have kidney stones (wonder if that's what caused them in the first place???). Can't wait to hear what he says. I'm gonna blow a gasket if he says not to take them.

I only had 10 points yesterday before eating chinese.
Though I sure what I had was more than 14 points...

I got up and did abs, arms and chest this morning.
I may have over done it on the abs. Only time will tell I guess.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just my luck...

I've been dealing with foot pain since the 30th.
Finally decided to go to the doctor today...

I've sprained it nice and good (though I have no idea how). It was even nice enough to swell up a little for him when I got there.

Basically, since I've been working out through the pain and not letting it heal it's not gotten better. Obviously.

He gave me some high mg ibuprofen to take 3 times a day for 2 weeks. And said to stay off of it as much as possible.

Well, that's just what I wanted to hear since I can lose weight sitting on my ass! UGH

Looks like I'm gonna have buff arms and abs by the time I can do cardio cause that's all I'm gonna be able to do! I'm hoping and praying that maybe it'll heal up quickly!

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


I seriously have to stop with the snacks.
Regardless if they are 1 point or not!
I think it is being a bad influence on me.

Last night the hubbs said, "You're eating stuff you wouldn't be eating if you weren't on a diet." And as much as I hate to admit it, he's totally right. I'm snacking just because I see that I have extra Points. Which means I'm gonna have to start eating more heartier (points filled) meals.

I'm really hating the Points system right now.
I'm not quiting, just saying I hate it...

Also, I haven't worked out in 3 days.
Nope, didn't yesterday either.
My foot is still killing me and I'm pretty confident the elliptical is what's keeping it from healing. BUT, I have a doc appointment at 1:30 today and maybe he can get me some sort of brace or tell me what to do or something. Of course, I can barely understand him so who knows. ugh

23 points yesterday

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
SmartOnes - 4pts
2 string cheese - 2pts
2 WW snack cakes - 2pts
Italian style eggplant - 7pts
salad - 1pt
popcorn - 1pt
Babybel cheese - 2pt
WW coconut candy - 1pt

The hubbs didn't try the new eggplant WW recipe last night. I think he was scared cause it didn't have meat but I thought it was pretty good. Didn't really taste like anything other than the sauce that was on it. And it was quite filling.

Super excited cause I won 2 more Weight Watchers cookbooks on eBay yesterrday! woo hoo

Monday, August 10, 2009

2 weeks

Yesterday marked 2 weeks of no soda/tea!
woo freakin hoo!
I'll admit I was craving a sweet tea from Sonic on Saturday...

I started the day off good but then ended it bad.
30 points is a rough estimate.
We ate at Golden Corral for dinner where I did good until dessert. I had a tiny sliver of cheesecake and 2 bites of carrot cake. It had raisins or I probaby would've ate the whole thing. Otherwise I was good and had a salad, fish and vegetables. And nothing fried.

I don't know where to begin to do points for there so I'm not even gonna try. I'm just gonna chalk it up to a slip up and show you what I had before then:

2 brown eggs - 4pts
1/2 cup raspberries - 0pts
1/2 cup blueberries - 0pts
WW chocolate candy - 1pt
hamburger steak - 4 pts
salad w/FF italian - 1pt
Babybel gouda - 2pts
WW snack cake - 1pt

The really bad part is that I didn't work out at all this weekend. But I busted my ass this morning to try and make up for it... and now I'm exhausted. haha

I didn't fall off the wagon, I just had one slip up. Which really wasn't that bad I don't think. And GC made my stomach sick so I'm pretty sure I'll never be going back anyway!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

25 points yesterday

But I didn't work out. ugh

2 Kashi wheat waffles - 3pts
syrup - 4pts
side salad - 0pts
fat free italian - 0pts
black eyed peas - 3pts
butter beans - 1pt
cabbage - 0pts
veggie mix - 0pts
salad - 1pt
steak w/teriyaki & pineapple - 9pts
chicken flauta - 4pts

We ate out twice yesterday.
I think I did pretty good considering...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekend #2

I'm hoping to do much better this weekend....

25 pts yesterday. I was a snackaholic! ugh

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
steak salad w/ff ranch from Charly's - 7pts
chiquita snack pack carrots w/ff ranch - 1pt
2 WW snack cakes - 2pts
100 cal pack - 2pts
babybel gouda cheese - 2pts
2 servings soup - 8pts

I did my usual 15 in the morning on the elliptical and only 20 in the pm.

Friday, August 7, 2009

crap O la

I've been dieing to try those new Volcano Nachos at Taco Bell.

I couldn't find the nutritional info on their site so I had to Google it.
From what I found, those suckers are 22 points!

I know I'm allowed a 35 point allowance but I just can't see spending it on that!

Once again, it's nice to know I'm getting better at decision making!



Doin' Good!

24 points yesterday.
It's easy some days!

I got some Weight Watchers snack cakes yesterday, lemon and chocolate. Looking at the chocolate ones made me realize I haven't had chocolate since July 27. Holy Cow! And I hadn't even realized I was going without! The Lemon ones are good and the chocolate ones will do if I ever do get a chocolate craving.

I also got a few SmartOnes to try. Wal-Mart didn't have a big variety so I just got 2 with 5 Points values.

I'm super proud of myself and the decision I made yesterday...
We finally got the new gun we've been waiting on and naturally the hubbs was itching to go shoot it, as was I. BUT since I didn't work out the night before I told him he'd have to go without me and I'd have to go this weekend. I totally expected him to say, "You've been doing good, just take a break." but he didn't and I was super proud of him too!

Decisions are getting easier! YAY

I did 15 mins on the elliptical, abs, arms and chest in the AM and 30 mins on elliptical in PM.

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
lean cuisine - 5pts
3 WW snacks - 3pts
Tuscan Chicken - 5pts
1 cup noodles - 7pts

Look at my other blog for the WW Tuscan Chicken recipe. It was super easy and you probably have the stuff already in your pantry! 7 points for noodles? Bad, I know but I can't believe I only ate the serving size and gave the rest to the hubbs!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

day 10

Yesterday was nice.
I never got hunger pains!

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1/2 cup blueberries - 0pts
lean cuisine - 6pts
string cheese - 1pt
box bake - 12pts

total - 22pts

No, I didn't save up all day to eat bad. It just worked out that way. I had thawed out chicken but when I realzied I hadn't used many points I decided to get rid of the last bad thing in the pantry if you know what I mean. And it was dang good! I enjoyed it a lot, knowing I wouldn't have it again in a really long time.

I worked out in the am but not the pm.
And I feel rancid about it this morning...
But nothing I can do about it now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I just love this!


day 9

Tomorrow is day 10 of no soda/tea.
I think I'm gonna have to celebrate!
Well, maybe I'll wait until the 2 week mark...

The hubbs finally hid the scale from me.
Yes, I was getting on it everyday.
It showed a 4 pound loss in 4 days and I was nervous.
There's no way that could be right.
I know I fluctuate a lot so I need to stay off the scale.
But with everything else I'm not doing, that one is too easy.
So, the hubbs hid it from me and I'll get to weigh on the 29th.

My goal is 5 pounds in 5 weeks.
I realize now I should have made it higher but I think I need to start with baby steps. If I lose this 5 pounds then I will make my next goal to be 2 pounds a week. Which would be 10 pounds in 5 weeks if I reached it and holy cow I would be ecstatic! But let's not jump ahead...

I had 28 points yesterday.
I struggled with going to lunch with Jenny to a mexican restaurant. I'm proud to say I did order salad though and only ate half a serving of chips (which is 5! yes, FIVE whole chips!) I went over with dinner last night cause we had Taco Bell. It takes time to learn what I can and can't have.

I did the elliptical for 30 minutes in the pm. I struggled hard core cause my foot hurt so bad but after about 10 minutes it pretty much went numb and quit hurting. So now I know the trick and no longer have an excuse!

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1 tbsp flax - 1pt
1/2 cup blueberries - 0pts
chips/salsa - 2pts
salad w/chicken - 5pts
italian dressing - 2pts
carrots - 1pt
string cheese - 1pt
burrito - 9pts
taco - 4pts

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I was skimming through blogs and found a wonderful quote.
Sorry, I don't remember where I found it or I'd share...

"People who are too weak to pursue their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours."


Didn't work out yesterday...
I did attempt in the pm but my foot was so sore I gave up. It feels a little better today so I'm at least going to go for a walk after work. I just don't want it to stay sore forever!

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1 tbsp flax - 1pt
apple - 1pt
lean cuisine - 6pts
string cheese - 3pts
soup - 8pts
sour cream - 2pts

total - 24pts

Monday, August 3, 2009


I cannot seem to catch a break.
I had another migraine last night.
Pretty sure I've had a headache every day for the last week.

I decided to go to Wal-Mart on my lunch break to get some headache medicine. And guess what? They all have the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee! I wanted to cry, right there in the middle of the aisle.

I took Tylenol every day for the last week and it obviously didn't work. So, I'm gonna try naproxen sodium this week.

This is day 8 and I REFUSE to drink tea/soda!
I'm gonna do this!
Even if I pull my hair out in the process!

Day 8

I did much better yesterday than Sunday!

waffle - 2pts
syrup - 2pts
healthy choice - 7pts
2 popcorn - 2pts
soup - 8pts
string cheese - 1pt

total - 22 points

Check out my recipe blog for the soup recipe, it was super yummy! It's only 4 points but I had 2 servings.

I did the elliptical for 30 mins yesterday.
It was a struggle but I pushed through!
I'm gonna have to suck it up and start going to the track or something in the pm because the elliptical is taking a toll on my hips. I really want a treadmill!

I didn't start off this week great...
I slept in because I took a tylenol pm for my headache (guess I'm not over it yet!) last night and didn't work up in time to work out. But I will when I get home this afternoon.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

30 points for yesterday

I was doing sooo good then messed it up with chinese food! But hey, we did bowl 2 games after we ate so maybe I burned some of it. haha

I don't feel super bad about it because I do have the 35 allowance that I'm not even close to going over. But I really do want to start doing better. I've got to learn to start planning my weekends out so I don't get sucked into something bad.

1 pack oatmeal - 2pts
1tbsp flax - 1pt
sandwich - 6pts
sweet sour chicken - 8pts
fried rice - 9pts
mic ultra - 2pts
string cheese - 1pt
fudgesicle - 1pt

I didn't work out yesterday. And now seeing I did 30 points I feel super gross. So, I will be doing something today even though my body is sore as hell from bowling. (I think I'm getting old!)

Saturday, August 1, 2009


That pill I took yesterday gave me a shit ton load of energy.
I mean, like wow!

I'm gonna do a little more reseach on them before I decide to buy though. I don't always trust things that say "all natural."

I thought I was gonna end the day with 15 points.
But the energy kept me up late and the hubbs took me to McDonald's for some nuggets... Hey, at least I didn't get fries!

1 pack oatmeal - 3pts
1 tbsp flax - 1pt
apples w/caramel - 1pt
healthy choice - 5pts
1 cup veggies - 0pts
bbq baked chicken - 5pts
6 piece nugget - 7pts
sweet sour sauce - 1pt

total - 23 points

I did 15 mins on the elliptical in the am. (I only do that few in the am because I also do abs and arms.) I did 20 mins in the pm. I was mad that I couldn't do 30 but I was struggling, and my legs are sore today. boo